• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

The Effects of CBD on Anxiety on Biggie the Cat, a Residential Study


Dec 26, 2022
The Effects of CBD on Anxiety on Biggie the Cat, a Residential Study

A residential study of the effects of CBD on an aggressive cat, Biggie, was performed over an eight week period to determine if CBD could calm the cat and eliminate his attacking behavior on Riley, the family dog. After taking approximatley16.6 mg of CBD Isolate every morning placed on Biggie’s dry cat food, he showed significantly reduced anxiety and fear, as measured by the cat’s behavior and lack of aggression towards Riley, the dog.

The experimental subject of this study was Biggie, a formally feral black cat, that was rescued after being attacked by a winged predator and badly injured as a kitten. Biggie was taken to the Veterinarian, patched up, taken inside the house and after three weeks of hiding from the other two cats and dog that lived in the house, Biggie, started gradually to come out of hiding and get somewhat closer to the other pets. At first, Biggie was afraid of Riley, a Golden Retriever dog, and would run from her anytime she was nearby.

Over the course of about three months, Biggie observed that the other two cats were not bothered by the dog and they would rub up against her and sleep by her. It was like the dog was their protector. Gradually, Biggie came closer to Riley, without ever touching her. All of the animals seemed to get along and there was peace in the home.

All of a sudden, one day Biggie came face to face with Riley and went beserk. He hissed and arched his back violently. He growled menacingly and started for Riley with both front claws extended, ready to attack the dog. My wife, who was standing nearby in the kitchen intervened, scolded the cat and tried to separate the two animals. When she did this, Biggie swatted her with his claws and wounded her on one of her hands and arm. He then turned and ran away into another room to hide.

This became the new norm. If Biggie came into the living room, where all of the animals congregated during the day and he spotted Riley, he would go into attack mode and charge Riley, resulting in more human intervention and more scratches on the arms.

This aggressive behavior went on for about a month. We tried squirting water at Biggie, but it only made him mad and he continued to attack Riley. We didn’t know what to do.

Finally, I decided to administer some of our pet CBD tincture to Biggie to see if it would reduce his anxiety over the dog and calm him down. I used the 500 mg Isolate pet tincture that we developed for the CBD Health Club brand for our E-commerce site. I administered one dropper full, which was about 16.6 mg of CBD Isolate, each morning to his dry cat food. At first, he smelled the cat food and walked away. Later I noticed that he was back on the table eating his cat food so I know that he was ingesting some of the CBD.